Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kese Soprano & Nyce Hoffa of LiveViaSatellite

People that follow me know that Nyce Hoffa is my right hand man, besides music.. homie's family took me in when I had no place to go on a few occasions. I remember when we first started with the whole Wrong Onez thing, now it's funny that we are in another group together (LiveViaSatellite). We are basically a group in a group if that makes sense. I remember Hoffa and I used to take long ass walks freestylin' back n forth before we got cars. and I'm talking one end of Bergen County all the way back to 17th Ave, shit was crazy. We've seen them come, we've seen them go. Been through alot together as well, too much to type. Alot of ups and downs and we still remained to still be "down". It's not easy, that's why it's only right that we succeed now so everything we've been through makes all the sense in the world. We both had to fall back from music to work on our own families we made, I'd say his succeeded, mine failed.... But one thing remains, and that's our friendship. It may be an understatement to say he's my friend, he's more like a brother. Grammy winning producers couldn't even break "us" I think it's safe to say we will succeed. LORD WILLING

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